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Ability to exclude configurable options from promotion discounts.

  • frhost shared this idea 11 years ago
  • Payments/Billing

309 Votes
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Have had issues with promo codes also discounting cPanel or additional IP's instead of just the product we wish to discount. There seems to be no issue if it was a separate product, but configurable options always seem to get discounted too.
Merged Ideas
    Apply discounts only to products (not add ons)
    Would be great have an option who determine if the discount must be applied to the whole order or only to the product, i.e. Dedicated server = $199.95cPanel addon = $30invoice total = $229.95invoice total with a 10% discount promo = $206.95if the discount would be applied only to the product, the invoice total:Dedicated Server = $199.95Dedicated Server with a 10% discount = $179.95cPanel addon = $30invoice total = $209.95


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What about this function ? i need this
I hope you will implement the development as soon as possible.
At 290 votes, how many more does it need to get put on the roadmap @whmcs?
We would like the ability to provide a discount for a configurable option for example storage instead of having to provide the discount for the entire product.

It's odd that we can do this for upgrade orders but not for renewal orders isn't it?
Wow 11 years ago and still no solution for this.
Where is this at? It's a necessary function of promotions. We really need to be able to add promotions that do not apply to config options/addons. It's a basic feature - it needs to be implemented ASAP. Without it promotions are basically useless.
We would like to see this implemented as well. The option to exclude all configurable options would also work fine for us.
Hello WHMCS Team,

Can you guys please provide an update on this? This is very important for us.

Awaiting for your response.

Any updates on this, we can't make promotions due to the fact that licenses are also included.
Same issue causing my business to lose out on money with me not being able to run promotions without charging for IP’s.
We are still waiting for this feature. We cannot make big discounts for servers because they apply to licenses and IP addresses as well. We should be able to exclude the configurable options from the promotion.
Thumbs up here for Excluding all configurable options would be sufficient from my side as well.
And I believe this would help to get this added at least to WHMCS 8.4
This is a very basic requirement and wondering why it is not available after all these years. I have been banging my head to try a workaround for the past couple of days & still banging : (